Sweeper is an hydrostatic multifunction self-propelled machine for berths cleaning and cow bedding renewal. The machine is composed by a chassis, four wheels, a rotary sweeper and a self-loading tank.
From the central driving seat with an hydraulic distributor it’s possible to operate all commands: lift-up and lowering the front sweeper, lifting and lowering the tank for the exit of the loaded product and the rotation of the front sweeper.
It is possible to load in the rear tank several different products according to farm needs (chopped straw, sawdust, woodchips, etc…)
For the use with chopped straw it’s recommended the mashing straw special accessory that allows the optimization of product flow. The emission of dust during bedding operation is reduced to the minimum thanks to a very performing roll-belts system.
Machine traction is fully hydrostatic driven by a pedal (in order to allow the choice of the best working speed). Machine is equipped with brakes directly operating on traction motors. Front driving wheels: 6.50-16 and rear steering wheels16x6.50-8. Steering radius is power-assisted. The machine can turn on itself with a steering radius of 1800 mm